Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Green Airlines

Recectly it has been found out that planes using alternative fuels and possibly planes running on eletricity, will be in the skys in our not to distant future. "Both would reduce the environmental impact of flights, something that major airlines around the world are acutely aware of. But any change in fuel is not easy to do, as it means that the engines powering the planes needs redesigning, and then extensive testing." Transport businesses around the world are contributing their earned profets form over 10 years on research and projects to help combat global warming. It would appear this topic is serious and action is in high demand for heavy fuel using machinery.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I have in mind for my Graduation Project

I wanna take a look at most of the objects that are used every day and see how we can make them greener and more efficient. I would like to compare them to there less green conterparts and check the out come. I wanna learn what is it that we really get done and recieve by going green. By listeng the ups and the down side of going green, perhaps then we can relax or act on this global warming thang.